
An Introduction to German

An Introduction to German

The German language, or Deutsch, is the official language of Germany and Austria. It is also one of the co-official languages of Switzerland. To date, there are approximately 140 million people across Europe and around the world who speak the language.

Aside from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, German is also spoken in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, and parts of Northern Italy, Eastern France, and Belgium, to name a few.

German belongs to the West Germanic group of the Indo-European language family. As such, it has similarities to the other languages belonging to that language branch, including English, Dutch, Afrikaans, Frisian, Low German (Low Saxon), Yiddish, Scots, and Luxembourgish.

Writing System and Pronunciation

For German language learners, learning the German alphabet and pronunciation should be at the top of your list. The German alphabet has an additional four letters (ä, ö, ü, and ß) over the usual Latin alphabet, and there are also some differences in their pronunciation:

In German, some letters are pronounced differently, and the overall effect of German pronunciation can seem harsh-sounding and guttural. However, German is considered to be a more consistently phonetic language than English. A few examples:

It’s also important to note that, depending on the word, the pronunciation of German consonants and vowels change. To help you get a better grasp of German pronunciation, you can watch this short video here:


The German language follows a standard subject-verb-object pattern. One thing to remember is that German nouns and pronouns are always capitalized. Nouns must also be “declined” (i.e., noun declension) to reflect their case: nominative, accusative, genitive, and dative.

Nouns/pronouns can also be masculine, feminine, or neuter, each of which is indicated by their respective articles: der, die, and das. There are also two other indefinite articles: ein and eine. Masculine nouns/pronouns usually end with -o or -er, while feminine ones usually end with -in or -ik. However, there are exceptions to this rule.

German verbs, on the other hand, can either be weak, strong, or mixed: 

For your reference, here is a list of strong and irregular German verbs

German verb endings also change, depending on the subject pronoun: 

Dialects and Variants

The standardized variants of the German language are German, Austrian, and Swiss Standard. One thing to note is that German has a broad spectrum of dialects, each with distinct differences in their syntax, phonology, and lexicon. Most of these dialects belong to two dialectal groups:

Around the world, German dialects are also in abundance, and they resemble the regional dialects of their origin (in the case of communities or colonies founded by German speakers). Some examples include:

Another interesting fact to note is that German was once the lingua franca of many regions in the United States from the 1700s until the early 20th century; particularly in North Dakota, as well as in New York City, New Orleans, St. Louis, and Milwaukee. As such, there is an American German language variant, which is mainly derived from High German, with a mix of English loan words.

Whether you are a regular traveller, a business person/entrepreneur, or simply a language enthusiast, German is one of the most interesting languages to learn, considering its many variants and dialects. Learning the language becomes easier (and more fun) as well if you learn it with other language learners, both in formal classes and at informal language meetups.

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